God has really blessed me.
Scott and I met with our pastor today to discuss some difficult things that have been on our mind. Turns out our pastor is an even greater man than we had previously thought. As I was sitting there between my husband and my new pastor, I was experiencing a glimpse of heaven on earth:
three Christians working together for the common goal of God's glory.
I was really concerned to leave Vermont and our beloved churchfolk at Thetford Baptist, but God has kept us steadfastly in the palm of His hands. He loves me, and He refuses to let me go. My true hope is to become a strong oak for Christ's sake. I ache to be an efficacious Christian who is committed to integrity and truth.
I also believe God is calling me to the choicest of fruits, and that He will reward me in Heaven for my undertakings.
I totally agree with you regarding Pastor T. I don't know him super well, but I admire him and love him so much. He is definitely someone I look up to a lot.