Ok, so I finally did something with the spaghetti squash. It went like this: I split it in half.. well, Scott did. Then I scooped out the seeds, oh wait no, that was Scott. Ok, but I put them in a baking pan with water, a little olive oil, and sea salt. I baked the squash, open side down, for 45 minutes at 350. I guess I should have cooked it for an hour though, because it was still a little crunchy. Or is it supposed to be slightly al dente upon eating? S.O.S.
Anyway, once it cooled off, I took a fork to its innards and literally in microseconds it fell away into shreds. Noodles, or what have you. I had heard that pasta sauce does wonders because it takes on any flavor its given. So here's my take on it.. yes, it tasted just like the pasta sauce. The end. Truly it has no flavor of its own, so it's best with pesto, or pasta sauce, or some butter and salt. I think I may have been a little jaded since it crunched in my mouth. I don't know about you, but I don't like my noodles crunchy. I tried frying the rest in a pan with butter and salt, but it never quite came together for me. Scott ate a serving at dinner time with homemade GF chicken parmesan, but I said no thanks. I'm determined to make it work for me, so I'll try again at some point. This is how the spaghetti squash left me feeling at the end of the day:
Oh! Also.. today I was cleaning up my living room and I found THIS on my coffee table. It nearly sent me straight to the grave because I mistakenly thought it was a leaf.
That is certainly no leaf. It's a cute little gecko from outside. It didn't save me 15% on car insurance, but I had a grand time watching it slink around. I gently brought it outside in a bowl and let him free. I captured his freedom for you.
I swear that thing looks like a small alligator up close. But he was a good boy. =)
I love North Carolina.
Ha. I just got the S.O.S.... save our squash.