Monday, November 8, 2010

Mindful Meanderings.

I went grocery shopping today, and guess what was on sale.  Yeah, that's right; spaghetti squash.  I wonder if spaghetti squash will some day save my life, or something.  Who knows.  Anyway, so I bought one and I'll stare at it for a couple of days before deciding what to do with it.  

I also finished watching The Hills tonight.  I'm not sure how or why I got into it, but I just did.  I was pleasantly surprised at how little promiscuity and substance abuse there was.  Well, at least up until the 5th season.  My favorite part of it all was watching the dynamics between the girls.  But I lost interest mainly when Kristin arrived on scene..  Was I supposed to care about her?  
Anyway, so that part of my life is over and I'm fine with it.

Also, this Reforming Marriage book that Scott and I are reading is incredible.  Sometimes God places something in your life at the exact moment that you desperately need it, and that's where we're at.  Oh, and something I realized tonight in a big way:  If it's true that the husband is to the marriage as Jesus is to the Church, [and it is] then what does that say if the husband does not fulfill his God-given roles as a man?  If Jesus hadn't executed the responsibility He took upon Himself for our sakes, we'd all be in hell.  I think that's kind of what a marriage is like when a husband isn't taking seriously each charge appointed to him; a marital hell. 
Seriously, you gotta check out this book.  

*..Just don't put too much stock into the cover.  No one that I know understands its intention.   

PS - I'm going to dance myself to a healthy weight.  I'm determined.  

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