Friday, October 22, 2010

You don't always needs to paint the town.

It's Friday night.  So what did Scott and I do instead of painting the town?  Well, we watched another episode of Roswell and we ate.  I made Scott whole wheat chocolate chip banana bread.. And well, since it'll probably kill me if I ate that, I made egg drop soup for myself.  

I don't always have the most exciting things to write about, but sometimes it's the banal moments of life that should be remembered.  Eventually I'll lose Scott in this life, only be reunited with him sweetly in heaven..  But I'll remember things like the way he lights up when I bake for him.  And the way he always offers a hand with removing hot things from the oven.  He loves me in a deep, quiet way, and he needs to know that I know.  So this entry is dedicated to the man I devote myself to, and all the quiet things that I love about us.

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