Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dairy nut.

When I went through the whole dietary process to figure out what my food issues were, I had to give up dairy for almost a month.  [A month!]  In short, it was horrible.  I relied heavily upon almond and rice milk.. and hated both.  The trouble was, I had to have the plain ones, since "no sugar added" was a prerequisite to a successful elimination diet.  All the recommendations of the vanilla and chocolate-flavored "faux milks" were useless to me.  

I remember telling myself that as long as I didn't have issues with gluten or dairy, I could handle whatever results came my way.  Guess THAT didn't work out the way I wanted. 
God let me keep my dairy, but my gluten.. well, that was another story.

Anyway.  So in the past two weeks I've really jumped aboard the organic bandwagon.  With the news that my body can't process gluten properly, I've literally been forced to watch what I'm eating closely.  I was always a nutritional facts nut, but now I'm all over the ingredients portion of boxes and bags.  And I should be.  I don't think two-thirds of Americans have ANY idea what they're eating. 
I can honestly say that I'm now a much more responsible eater.

Dairy is a BIG part of my diet.  Cereal is [was] my staple.  Unfortunately ALL of my favorite cereals are now out: Wheaties, Frosted Mini Wheats, Special K, Cornflakes, Rice Krispies.. etc.  [All have gluten in them]  But I still have milk all the time; it's in my chai, it's in my prepared dishes.. I eat yogurt almost daily.  I guess I didn't realize what was in my milk, though.. until a week or two ago. 
Watch Food Inc., do a little Googling, and we'll be on the same page.

Where am I going with this post?  Well, I'm actually really excited [probably too excited] to announce that Scott just walked in the door with organic milk.  From Target!!  I can't wait to try it.  I don't expect it to taste any better, but now I know my milk isn't ridden with antibiotics and GMO's.  My milk is no longer a by-product of sick cows up to their knees in toxic waste. 

I'm not sure Scott and I can afford this organic endeavor, but I pray it will come together for us. 
For our sake. 

I'm about to make a smoothie, and I no longer have to cringe.
Woot, woot.


  1. :)
    It is amazing to see the "food journey" you have made. I remember when you would just eat bread melted with cheese in the microwave. And a half a bag of cheese puffs (or the like). And when you ate veggies, it was was cucumbers dunked in blue cheese.

    You have come such a long way girl. You have matured so much in your decisions concerning food way beyond what is just "good to eat" but now you eat with a purpose and a conscious mind that is determined to only put good things in her body.

    We all should be like that.... Bravo bestie!

    It feels good too, doesn't it? ;)

  2. Emi. You know me so well, it's absurd. I love you. Thank you for the support. <3 [and the faithful comments]

  3. I was just thinking about the melted cheese-bread yesterday.

  4. So was I.. because I made it. Ha, I guess some things never change.

  5. As tasty as those chemicals are, it's probably better they're not in our milk. Hopefully the chemical-free diet transition doesn't break the bank. Otherwise we'll have to start milking the cats...

  6. Ok, that was just gross. But if we're going domestic, I imagine Fudge would produce more milk than Tiramisu ever could..
